Work Week 5

Powerpoint Slides 4-7


  1. V
  1. F
  1. F
  1. V
  1. V
  1. F
  1. F


Question 1. (slide 9)

Yo prefiero el chocolate porque es dulce , mientras que el café es amargo y desagradable, tambien no neccisita el cafe porque yo no soy tambien no necesito el cafe porque yo no soy cansado en el manana

Question 2. (slide 10)

Lee mi repuesta anterior.

Question 3. (Slide 12)

Ah, sí, recuerdo bien. Tenía los 10 y no me gustó para nada, yo era despierto todo noche

Question 4 (slide 14)

Pues, habría sido cuando era muy pequeña, de tres años tal vez, no sé por cierto. Me hubiera gustado mucho.

Question 5 (slide 16)

En una taza.

Question 6 (slide 17)

Ninguna, es verdad!

Question 7 (slide 18)

yo no beber café

Question 8 (slide 19)

Si tuve que, una mochacino

Question 9 (slide 20)

Todo chocolate por supesto!

Brand of chocolate:

Slide 21: Cadbury


Marca Cascar Sensaciónenboca Dulzura Aroma Achocolatado
C’bury 5 5 5 5 5
Whita. 5 5 5 5 5
KitKat 3 5 5 5 5
Nestle 3 5 5 5 5
Hershy 4 5 5 5 5
Tobler. 5 5 5 5 5









Aventura #1


Reportaje Semanal:

Fecha ______29/2/16_________________ Hice # ____10_________ Vale ________3_______ puntos Descripción/foto/audio/lista/notas/Snapchat/Tweet/Facebook/otra prueba

Aprendí ___new vocabulary __________________ Necesito mejorar _____not trying to work out everything being said, focus on what is important__________


Commercial Uno:

Commercial Dos:


Exercise #10: Compare two TV ads

  1. Hair Club TV Commercial, ‘Forma Natural’

This commercial is an infomercial about people who want to grow back their hair, it says that if you are sick of trying all sorts of shampoos and creams without results than this is the one for you. Natural hair loss affects millions of people worldwide for different reasons. You will receive a consultation valued at $250 absolutely free also. They will restore your hair to its natural form again.


  1. WalkFit TV Commercial, ‘Dolor’

Do you suffer from sore feet? Is it painful when you walk? Then you should try the new Walkfit Orthotics, it supports your ligaments, tendons, muscles and bones. It is very useful for when you want to go dancing, bowling, walking and even when going shopping. 1.4 million people in North America alone use these orthotics. Get it now for half price for $19.95 down from $39.95.




Aside from both these products being completely different, I think that there is a similarity between how popular both this products are globally, in the first commercial, the man talks about it affecting millions of people in different ways, while the second one states that in North America alone 1.4 million people are using their product. Both these products are designed to help the user in some way or another. They both also offer you either discounted purchase or free trials of their product.